December 27, 2013

A New Year

 So 2013 has come and almost gone. In this time between Christmas and New Year many take the time to review the year that was and plan coming year. This is the perfect time as there are generally less demands plus there's that expectancy that the next year will be better than the last.

A few ideas that will help is to firstly start by forgetting the year that was. It's gone and there's nothing you can change about it. What can be changed however are the outcomes you're wanting in your future.

Now with a pen, a pad and a cup or glass of your favourite beverage identify what you would like to see on your list of achievements at the end of 2014. These are not just financial either. Add the things that make life meaningful. Health, love life, travel, personal growth, friends you'd like to visit, places or events you'd like to travel too.

The part that makes it interesting is who you'd like to have involved in these goals and ideals including friends, family, business colleagues. As for the places and events these are virtually limitless, but to make the most of them is to be prepared and have the time and health to enjoy them.

In setting goals it's always good to raise the bar, to be able to see improvement in the end. There's an old say that goes, if you're not moving forward then you're gong backwards. Plan for more happy things and don't forget to add rewards for your achievements. Rewards are a great way to remain motivated.

Have the plans written down somewhere that you can read them regularly as repetition is one of the best ways to convince your mind that they are real and achievable, as well as fun. Having plans is a great way of measuring the progress towards the goals and dreams that, on their achievement, will add significantly to your life.

Finally, be grateful for what you have. Make a list of thing you're grateful for now, read it often and you'll find it becomes a great mood lifter.

I'd like to wish you a happy, prosperous and successful year in 2014.

April 9, 2013

Changes and Your future.

Based on chapter five of Economic Vision.

A couple of weeks ago I spent half a day reviewing the first quarter of 2013 and planning the second. Two things became apparent from this exercise. The first, the plans and goals for the year are on track and the things that will be needed to achieve the second half are falling into place.

The greatest part of the first half was ticking the boxes of what needed doing and putting into place so that the end result for 2013 could be achieved.

That half day also helped identify a couple of potential weaknesses in the overall plan. In addressing them I was able to make a quantum leap in achieving objectives of the second quarter.

There are now a couple of questions you need to ask yourself:

Firstly how much of my objectives did I achieve in the first quarter and secoondly what can I do to improve in the second?

Remember "all life is adjustment and balance."
(Morehei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido)

What this great teacher taught was that any change is going to unbalance things. It's necessary therefore to make adjustments to how we see and do things to restore that balance.

The only constant thing is life is change, therefore we need to become good at adapting to change.

This is why planning and reviewing are essential to success.
