June 3, 2014

A Well Researched Plan.

How many of us have ideals that we want but never get off first base because we feel we don’t know the next step or doubt that have what it takes to get there?

This is where delaying gratification can create lasting results.

In the eighties a single mother had made the difficult choice of leaving her profession while her children were very young. She rationalised that divorce was not going to deprive her children of a sound home and foundation in life.

Part of her strategy was first to ensure that the family home, which she had built in nineteen seventy six, remained just that. Even though funds were low she devised a strategy to not only ensure that the home and family were secure, but also took steps to improve her position.

Her philosophy is very simple and remains to this day, if you don’t have the cash to pay for it then you really can’t afford it.

Starting with pen and paper she identified things that would improve not only the quality of life, but also her financial standing. Some were very simple, some involved doing what needed to be done starting with a small house cleaning business.

In the ten years away from her career she raised her children, kept the home through interest rates of almost twenty per cent, did further studies adding to her professional standing and started two home based businesses. One of which she still operates very successfully today.

Moving forward from the eighties to the present day the same home the children were raised in  has been renovated with the most up to date, energy efficient fittings that you would expect to find in a brand new, upmarket apartment.

She also works part time, has used another very difficult passage in her life as source material for a book* and looks forward to a very secure retirement. Largely because of the vision that came from planning and looking for answers.

All of this has also lead to a vision for projects that will be a significant part of life beyond retirement. It's worthwhile noting here too that the children benefited from her example as well. Her son has his own home and with his partner is building a career of his choice through part time studies. Her daughter works part time while studying for a career that she knows will be fulfilling and provide a good income.

The significance of all of this is that all three have well researched, written goals and plans.