has been a huge shift in financial thinking in the last five years. For many it
was the thought that the good times would never end. We could borrow for the
things we wanted and pay it off over time.
This is
one of the greatest traps to fall into. Our personal net worth is not made up
of the “real” value of “real” assets more importantly it is made up of the
surplus we can generate in our cashflow.
A prime
example of this is farming where family may be asset rich, but for whatever
reason, income poor. Don’t be deceived by the big equipment they have or the
vehicle they may drive. It is all essential. Believe me living in the country
you do need reliability.
So what
does this mean to you. It means doing a checklist of what is essential to you
and what is something you have because it feels or looks nice.
Back to
the borrowed money and farming. The annual cost on a medium farm ranges upwards
of a quarter of a million dollars, yet a single frost can wipe that amount off
the annual income. And remember the big machinery, that is not factored into
the annual expenditure.
So lets
look at your situation. Have you considered what your current lifestyle is
costing you in real terms? Particularly if that lifestyle is funded by the
borrowed money we spoke of earlier.
reason for this is in how the repayments are structured.
Too many
small loans generally means a large amount going out each month (most lending
institutions work on a monthly basis.) Then along comes your friendly finance
person who says “we’ll simply absorb that into your home loan that way the
interest rate will be lower and you won’t be paying as much.”
you will be paying a lot more because even though the interest rate is lower it
is being paid over a much longer period. Lending institutions love this one
because interest paid on loans means long term income for them. Do they really
care about you and your personal situation? Only insofar as your ability to
give them the income/interest that you have gladly agreed to pay them.
There is
a hard and fast rule to apply if you want financial freedom. Never, ever, ever
assume anything. Sure there is acting on faith, but that alone isn’t enough
without proper action.
So what
can be done about overcoming the debt cycle. Step one is to “learn” from
reputable sources what you need to know and do. One thing I found useful many
years ago was a book that a highly successful business colleague gave me. That
book was “The Richest Man In Babylon” and
I still take it off the shelf often to help keep my focus on track.
though it was written almost a hundred years ago the epic tale of one
Babylonian’s rise from broke and indebted poverty as a slave to become
financial secure, then financially free. It’s all spelled out in very simple
steps that are as relevant today as they have been since the days of the
fabulously wealthy Babylon ,
which existed over six thousand years ago.
customs in ancient Babylon
were strictly regulated by law. For example. a slave could own property even
other slaves which his master had no claim over. Slaves married non-slaves.
Children of free mothers were free. Most Babylonian merchants were slaves. Many
in partnership with their masters and wealthy in their own right.
But debt
and having to work long hours for low wages that fail to meet our cost of
living is in itself a form of slavery. Financial freedom, when spoken of by
those who have achieved it, is something that adds real quality and meaning to
our lives.
is how success is measured, it can’t buy health but it’s interesting to note
how the affluent of today are the lean trim and healthy ones.
We feel more secure with money than
without, as I’ve said on many occasions,
money is not important, it just ranks
second to oxygen in our existence.
how to control how you generate your money, cashflow is better, by being taught
by those who already have achieved success removes a lot of stress and thereby
adds to the enjoyment of life.
principles and processes are simple. While you have debt you are controlled by
those you have borrowed from.
Start by
seeing yourself debt free. This can be a bit of a stretch of the imagination,
but over time you’ll come to realise and work out how important being debt free
can be in all areas of your life.
Even in
the process of actively pursuing the dream of financial freedom you will find
yourself feeling much happier about the potential future. Dreams do come true
so pursue financial freedom, then you can become a force for good in your
family, your community and who knows, the world?
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