December 11, 2014

A Prosperous New Year

         Are you happy with what you've been able to achieve financially this year? Or any of the preceding five years for that matter? Often the picture isn't quite the same as our plans and goals. For some though it's actually much better. Maybe it's time for  some fresh New Years resolutions. New Years resolutions should be called 'New Years wishes' unless our Christmas presents included a crystal ball.

        So what can be done to make things different in 2015. First realise that ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting something different to happen.’ For anything to change it takes a shift in thinking, a shift in the way things are seen and done. Imagine, for example, how different your life could be with extra income.

         Think too about the amount of change in the way thing are done and the increasing regulations that govern our lives. Here’s an interesting thought ‘if you have enough money (cashflow) it doesn't matter who's governing the country.’ There’s no formal training in handling our money and usually it's just bits and pieces we pick up along the way that forms our plans and ideas. The best way to succeed at anything is to learn from those who've already succeeded.


         The book was written at the outset of the Global Economic Crisis in 2008 to provide a simple, understandable way of becoming financially secure. Providing essential information on beating inflation, minimising tax and providing security for many of the situations in life that can impact on us.  Call it a manual for your future financial security and peace of mind.

         It provides a step by step approach to understanding how best to utilise our money and time to make life easier. Seven keys are laid out in order so that each step leads towards the things you want. Be that security for the family, becoming debt free and progressively being able to improve your lifestyle no matter what the economic climate.

         In ‘Simply Brilliant Budgeting’ by teacher, author, entrepreneur and e-business owner Kathleen O’Dwyer has simple, user friendly ideas to give you more control over your personal finances. She says “By implementing simple techniques, you may reduce your outgoing expenditure and thus increase your left over income, or even create one. This gives you a starting point towards being in control of your personal finances. And all without compromising your lifestyle!”

          My career paths have included military service, working ‘on air’ in radio, financial planning, public speaking, estate planning and writing and author. As a financial planner I was responsible for the formation of several companies as well as creating sound plans for clients to create financial security. Currently I'm writing his first novel, based on my family and home district, Brookton, in the mid 1900’s.

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